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I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike.
If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
This resource contains a Mardi Gras-themed word search.
You may also be interested in:
Mardi Gras Puzzle Pack - Differentiated Word Seaches, Anagrams and Crossword
This resource includes:
- 3 differentiated word searches
- 3 differentiated anagram worksheets
- 1 crossword
Mardi Gras PowerPoint Presentation
Brighten up dull February days with this colourful resource about Mardi Gras which takes place in many countries around the world prior to the start of Lent. This is a fully editable, 55 slide PowerPoint. It focuses on:
- the meaning of Mardi Gras
- its origins
- the different ways countries celebrate Mardi Gras
It contains hyperlinks to the Rio Carnival, the New Orleans Carnival, the Nice Carnival, the Belgium Carnival, the Venice Carnival and the Quebec Carnival.
There is also a link to Paul Simon's 'Take me to the Mardi Gras' on slide 1 which could be used before the start of the assembly. It may even inspire you to hold your own Mardi Gras event in school!
Save money and buy both resources at a discounted rate:
Mardi Gras Presentation and Puzzle Pack
For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate
This resource contains an inspirational Chinese proverb poster.
You may also be interested in:
Chinese Proverbs - Thought Provoking PowerPoint and Posters
Chinese New Year Presentation -80 Slides
Chinese New Year Quiz
Coordinates in The First Quadrant Worksheets
Chinese Animal Zodiac Coordinates PowerPoint Game
Chinese New Year Themed Battleships - Coordinates Partner Game
Chinese New Year Lantern Riddles PowerPoint Quiz
Chinese New Year Puzzle Pack - Word Searches, Crossword, Anagrams, Chinese Riddles, Word Making
Chinese New Year Texts and Comprehensions
For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate
This is an inspirational kindness quote poster -"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted."Aesop
You may also be interested in:
Acts of Kindness 100 Slide Presentation
This resource contains a highly visual PowerPoint presentation on kindness. It could be used on Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th February in the UK, Random Acts of Kindness Week in the second week of February in the USA, on 1st September in New Zealand's Random Acts of Kindness Day and World Kindness Day on 13th November. In fact, it could be used any day.
This is a very poignant and thought-provoking PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint makes reference to:
Josh de Jong's story
Danny Boyle's story
examples of kindness
Jonny Benjamin's story
the physical and psychological benefits of performing acts of kindness
the definition of altruism
inspirational kindness quotes
what we can do to make the world a better place
the importance of kind words
For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate
This resource contains an anagram puzzle on words connected with the ocean. It is an ideal resource for World Oceans Week / Day.
You may also be interested in:
World Oceans Day – Set of 7 Differentiated Word Searches and Anagrams
World Oceans Day Presentation
This resource contains a fully editable 90-slide PowerPoint presentation on World Oceans Day which takes place on 8th June each year. The PowerPoint focuses on
The origin of World Ocean Day
The aims of World Oceans Day
The issues affecting the ocean and sea life - global warming, air pollution, plastic pollution and other ocean debris, overfishing, invasive species, destruction of mangroves and saltmarshes
How we can help to improve our oceans
The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to a number of relevant videos on the above.
World Oceans Day Presentation and Set of 6 Follow Up Tasks
The follow up activities include:
Presentation Reflection Activity
Issues Impacting on Oceans Activity
Ocean Research Task
Quiz Preparation Activity
Poster Design Task
Personal Action Plan
World Environment Day
This is a fully editable, 65-slide PowerPoint presentation on World Environment Day which takes place on 5th June annually.
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This is an A3-sized 'book quote' poster containing a quote about books by J.K. Rowling. It is ideal for Book Day.
You may also be interested in:
Set of 15 World Book Quote Posters
These posters can be used for display or discussion purposes and are ideal for Book Day.
Sample quotes:
Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be. Author Unknown
The more things you read, the more things you will know. Dr. Seuss
You cannot open a book without learning something. Confucius
Be awesome, be a book nut! Dr. Seuss
A room without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero
100 Question PowerPoint Book Quiz
108 Question Paper-Based Quiz
Save money and buy all three resources at a discounted rate:
World Book Day Bundle
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This resource contains a short presentation on Saint David.
You may also be interested in:
Saint David’s Day - 52 Slide Presentation
The presentation focuses on:
The life of St David
His contribution to the spread of Christianity in Wales
How Saint David’s day is celebrated in Wales and by Welsh communities around the world
The emblems of Wales - the daffodil, the leek, the National Welsh flag, Saint David’s cross
The PowerPoint also includes hyperlinks to a short video about Saint David (7 minutes), the Saint David’s Day parade in Cardiff (5 minutes) and the Welsh national anthem.
A more detailed version of this resource, more suitable for older pupils, is also available:
Saint David’s Day - 52 Slide Presentation
Set of Six Information Texts and Comprehension Questions
This resource contains a set of six information texts and comprehension questions with answers.
Saint David’s Day Puzzle Pack - Set of 10 Differentiated Word Searches, Anagrams and Crosswords
Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate:
Saint David’s Bundle
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This resource contains a civil rights poster.
You may also be interested in:
Civil Rights - Set of 20 Quotes Posters
This resource contains 20 inspiring quotes about equality and civil rights from a range of civil right leaders, activists and supporters including Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesse Jackson, Bob Marley, Rosa Parkes, Booker T Washington, Harriet Tubman, Oprah Winfrey, Frederick Douglas and Fannie Lou Hamer.
This is an ideal resource for Black History Month (African American Month) that falls in October in the UK and February in the USA. There are two versions of this resource - one on a black background and one on a white background. They could be used for a display and to promote discussion.
50 Question Black History Month Quiz
Black History Month Presentation
Black History Month Simple Text Presentation
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These posters contain inspiring quotes from civil rights leader, Dr Martin Luther King.They are sample posters taken from a set of 23 Martin Luther King quotes posters. Click on the link below for more details.
Martin Luther King Quotes Posters
This is an ideal resource for display and to promote discussion on Martin Luther King Day, celebrated around the time of his birthday on the third Monday in January. Also suitable for Black History Month (African American Month) which takes place in October in the UK and February in the USA.
You may also be interested in:
Martin Luther King Fact Sheets and Questions
This resource contains eight fact sheets and questions on the life and achievements of civil rights leader, Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King Presentation
This resource contains a fully editable, 62 slide and informative PowerPoint presentation on Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. The PowerPoint makes reference to:
his parents and family
his schooling and education
his leadership of, and contribution to, the civil rights movement
The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to some of his famous speeches - I Have a Dream, The Mountaintop and The Drum Major. There are also links to a short video presentation of his life and the hymn sung at his funeral.
A simple text version of this presentation is also available:
Martin Luther King Simple Presentation
More Black History Resources
These resources will help to promote students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development by learning about the history and heritage of communities and the lives of those that overcame the challenges they faced.
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This resource contains a dreidel template for pupils to make their own dreidel. The resource also contains a set of rules to play the game. Get some gelt (chocolate coins) and have fun at Hanukkah!
You may also be interested in:
Hanukkah Presentation
Simple Text Hanukkah Presentation
Hanukkah Puzzle Pack - Differentiated Word Searches, Anagrams and Crosswords
Hanukkah - Set of Information Texts and Five Worksheets
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This resource contains Halloween-themed worksheets on number recognition and counting to 10.
You may also be interested in:
Halloween Themed Counting to 10 - 17 Page Workbook
The workbook contains 17 worksheets on number recognition and counting from 1 to 10.
Tasks include:
identifying and recognising numbers to 10
counting a variety of Halloween themed objects
colouring the correct number of objects
drawing the correct number of objects
You may also be interested in:
Halloween Presentation
Simple Text Halloween Presentation
Halloween PowerPoint Quiz - 50 Questions
Halloween Themed Battleships Interactive PowerPoint Team Game
Halloween Themed Battleships Partner Game
Puzzle Pack 14 Halloween-Themed Differentiated Word Searches, Anagrams, Crosswords and Cryptograms
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This poster contains an inspiring quote from civil rights leader, Dr Martin Luther King. It is a sample poster from a set of 23 Martin Luther King quotes posters. Click on the link below for more details.
Martin Luther King Quotes Posters
This is an ideal resource for display and to promote discussion on Martin Luther King Day, celebrated around the time of his birthday on the third Monday in January. Also suitable for Black History Month (African American Month) which takes place in October in the UK and February in the USA.
You may also be interested in:
Martin Luther King Fact Sheets and Questions
This resource contains eight fact sheets and questions on the life and achievements of civil rights leader, Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King Presentation
This resource contains a fully editable, 62 slide and informative PowerPoint presentation on Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. The PowerPoint makes reference to:
his parents and family
his schooling and education
-his contribution to the civil rights movement
The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to some of his famous speeches - I Have a Dream, The Mountaintop and The Drum Major. There are also links to a short video presentation of his life and the hymn sung at his funeral.
A simple text version of this presentation is also available:
Martin Luther King Simple Presentation
More Black History Resources
These resources will help to promote students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development by learning about the history and heritage of communities and the lives of those that overcame the challenges they faced.
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This is a Pancake Day themed worksheet on counting to 10. You may also be interested in:
Set of 11 Pancake Themed Counting to 10 Worksheets
This resource contains 11 Pancake Day themed worksheets on number recognition to 10 and counting to 10. It is an ideal resource for reinforcing the pupils’ counting skills during the Lent and Easter period. However, pancakes are good at any time of year! It is appropriate for reception children, Year 1 and older SEN students. However, pancakes are good at any time of year!
Addition and Subtraction of Money from 10p to £5 - Set of 15 Worksheets
This resourcr contains 15 worksheets on calculating the price of toppings for pancakes, choosing the correct coins to pay for them and / or calculating change using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2 coins. It is an excellent resource for consolidating counting, adding, subtracting, coin recognition and value skills. The worksheets are differentiated and can be used for progression in money addition or for differentiation.
- adding coins to the value of 10p
- adding coins to the value of £1
- adding coins to the value of £5
Addition and Subtraction to 10 - Twenty Worksheets
This resource contains 15 pancake themed worksheets on addition and subtraction to 10.
Pancake Themed Word Problems
Pancake themed word problems from simple addition to multiplication, division, fractions and percentages. There are 8 worksheets to develop pupils’ problem-solving and calculation skills using all mathematical operations.
Addition and Subtraction to 10 - 15 Worksheets
This resource contains 15 Pancake Day themed worksheets on addition and subtraction to 10.
More Lent and Easter Resources
This resource contains a short presentation on Winter Days.
You may also be interested in:
Winter Days Presentation
This is a fully editable, 45 slide PowerPoint presentation on the theme of Winter Days containing stunning pictures of Winter flora, fauna, weather and landscapes. It is an ideal assembly during the winter months. The slide images could also be used for display purposes, creative writing and discussion.
The PowerPoint focuses on:
seasonal changes in weather
the effects of the weather
how animals adapt to the weather
food for animals
what children do in winter
Winter Days - Set of 50 Posters
Winter Days - Set of 24 Posters With Captions
Winter Days Presentation
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This is a short presentation on Prince Philip
You may also be interested in:
Prince Philip 70 Slide Presentation
This resource contains an informative 70-slide presentation on the life and work of Prince Philip. The PowerPoint focuses on his family, background, how he met Princess Elizabeth, his naval career, his interests and hobbies and his contribution in supporting Queen Elizabeth II in her role and duties as monarch.
Queen Elizabeth II - 100+Slide Presentation
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip - 50 Slide Presentation
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This resource contains an anagram puzzle on the theme of Queen Elizabeth ll who sadly died on the 8th of September 2022 at the age of 96.
You may also be interested in:
Queen Elizabeth II Puzzle Pack – Crosswords, Word Searches, Anagrams and Cryptograms
This puzzle pack contains a number of differentiated word searches, anagrams, crosswords and cryptograms. There are 11 worksheets in total.
Queen Elizabeth II Set of 13 Texts and Comprehensions
This resource contains a set of 13 texts and comprehensions about the life and work of Queen Elizabeth 11. They focus on:
The early life of the Queen - her parentage
The Queen’s interests and hobbies
The Queen’s Education
The Queen’s Family
The Queen’s residences
The Queen’s tasks and duties
The Queen’s Coronation
Milestones in the Queen’s Reign
Queen Elizabeth II Simple Text Presentation
Queen Elizabeth II Presentation
This resource contains a colourful PowerPoint on making plurals with regular words delivered by the expert deliverer - Santa.
You may also be interested in:
Making Plurals PoqwerPoint Lesson and Worksheets
The resource includes a highly visual, fully editable and interactive 30-slide PowerPoint lesson on making plurals.
The PowerPoint explains how to make plurals for the following nouns:
- regular nouns - adding ‘s’
- nouns ending in ‘ch’ , ‘sh’, ‘x’ and ‘s’
- nouns ending in ‘f’ and ‘fe’
- nouns ending in ‘y’ preceded by a consonant
This resource contains an accompanying set of differentiated worksheets and an information sheet on making plurals including exceptions.
Theses resources are appropriate for primary aged pupils and older SEN pupils.
More Christmas Resources
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This resource contains a word search on Hanukkah - The Jewish festival of Lights.
You may also be interested in:
Hanukkah Presentation
Simple Text Hanukkah Presentation
Hanukkah Puzzle Pack - Differentiated Word Searches, Anagrams and Crosswords
Hanukkah - Set of Information Texts and Five Worksheets
For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This is a short political-themed quiz on the UK parliament, government and elections.
You may also be interested in:
UK Parliament, Government, Election 100 Question Quiz
General Elections Puzzle Pack - Set of 6 Differentiated Anagrams and Word Searches
UK General Elections Presentation
Mock Election Pack
UK Parliament and Government
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How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
This is a template for an acrostic poem on altruism. It is an ideal resource for Random Acts of Kindness Days / Weeks, World KIndness Day and Anti-Bullying Week.
You may also be interested in:
Acts of Kindness - Set of 24 Kindness Posters
Acts of Kindness 50 Slide PowerPoint Presentation
This resource contains a highly visual presentation on kindness. It is suitable for younger primary pupils and older SEN students.
The PowerPoint includes:
- examples of kindness
- Mahatma Gandhi example of kindness
- what we can do to make the world a better place
A more detailed presentation, more appropriate for secondary aged pupils, is also available.
Random Acts of Kindness Presentation
This is a poignant and thought-provoking presentation. It contains hyperlinks to Jonny Benjamin's story and Danny Boyles 'Join Me' Movement and the 'Karma Army.'
The Powerpoint includes:
- Danny Boyle's story
- examples of kindness - Gandhi
- Jonny Benjamin's story
- the physical and psychological benefits of performing acts of kindness
- the definition of altruism
- inspirational kindness quotes
- what we can do to make the world a better place
- the importance of kind words
Acts of Kindness - Set of 25 Quotes Posters
This resource contains 25 inspirational quotes about kindness from many people - Princess Diana, Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Twain, Dalai Lama, Oscar Wilde, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Plato, Sir Winston Churchill, William Wordsworth, Jesse Jackson, Francis of Assisi, Confucius and Desmond Tutu.
Inspire and Educate
This resource contains a set of colouring pages for the Jewish Festival of Hanukkah.
You may also be interested in:
Hanukkah Presentation
Simple Text Hanukkah Presentation
Hanukkah Puzzle Pack - Differentiated Word Searches, Anagrams and Crosswords
Hanukkah - Set of Information Texts and Five Worksheets
For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate
Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide.
How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide